- Worked with Steve Ventura to refine Achievement Team Process.
- Started an after-school ensemble to provide students extra opportunities to perform.
- Tresse Keplinger, 4th Grade Teacher, was a Horizon Award recipient.
- Students toured the Body Venture exhibit to learn about the importance of making healthy food choices and being more physically active.
School Improvement Goals
Westwood Elementary staff will use structures ad processes for data gathering and analysis to better meet student learning needs.
Westwood Elementary will collaborate with students to create and monitor common goals to meet needs and interests (MTSS process).
Site Council
Eight staff members and five student members met five times throughout the school year. Topics included: New hires, Counseling, ALICE, JCHS Way Forward, iStation, Front Row Ed, KESA, Coding/Go Mouse, Secure Entrance Plans, ELL Program, Quarterly Data, Second Step, and more.